Saturday 11 November 2017

Hvorfor Forex Trading Er Lønnsom

Hva er nummer én feil Forex Traders Make. Summary Traders er rett mer enn 50 av tiden, men mister mer penger på å miste handler enn de vinner på å vinne handler. Traders bør bruke stopp og grenser for å håndheve et risikobeløp på 1 1 eller høyere. Amerikanske dollar beveger seg mot euroen, og andre valutaer har gjort forex trading mer populært enn noensinne, men tilstrømningen av nye handelsfolk har blitt matchet med en utstrømning av eksisterende handelsfolk. Hvorfor fører store valutabevegelser til økte trader tap For å finne ut, DailyFX-forskergruppen har gjennomgått samhandlede handelsdata på tusenvis av live-kontoer fra en stor FX-megler. I denne artikkelen ser vi på den største feilen som forexhandlere gjør, og en måte å handle riktig på. Hva virker den gjennomsnittlige Forex Trader Wrong . Mange forexhandlere har betydelig erfaring med handel i andre markeder, og deres tekniske og grunnleggende analyse er ofte ganske bra. I nesten alle de mest populære valutaparene som kunder handler D på denne store FX-megleren er handelsmenn korrekt mer enn 50 av tiden. Ovenstående diagram viser resultatene av et datasett med over 12 millioner ekte handler utført av kunder fra en stor FX-megler over hele verden i 2009 og 2010. Det viser 15 mest populære valutapar som klienter handler Den blå linjen viser prosentandelen av handler som avsluttet med en fortjeneste for klienten Rød viser prosentandelen av handler som endte med tap For eksempel, i EUR USD, det mest populære valutaparet, klienter en stor FX megler i prøven var lønnsom på 59 av sine handler, og tapte på 41 av sine handler. Så hvis handelsmenn har en tendens til å være mer enn halvparten av tiden, hva gjør de feil. Ovenstående diagram sier alt i blått, det viser Det gjennomsnittlige antallet pipshandlere som er opptjent på lønnsomme handler I rødt viser det gjennomsnittlig antall pips som går tapt i å miste handler. Vi kan nå tydelig se hvorfor handelsmenn mister penger til tross for at de tar mer enn halvparten av tiden. De mister mer penger på sine tapende handler enn de gjør på t arving winning trades. Let s bruk EUR USD som et eksempel Vi vet at EUR USD handler var lønnsomme 59 av tiden, men trader tap på EUR USD var et gjennomsnitt på 127 pips mens fortjenesten var bare et gjennomsnitt på 65 pips Mens handlende var riktig mer enn halvparten av tiden mistet de nesten dobbelt så mye på sine tapende bransjer som de vant på å vinne handler som tapte penger totalt. Banjene for det flyktige GBP JPY-paret var enda verre. Traders var rett imponerende 66 av tiden i GBP JPY Det er dobbelt så mange vellykkede handler som mislykkede. Men generelt mistet handelsfolk penger i GBP JPY fordi de gjorde et gjennomsnitt på bare 52 pips på vinnende handler, mens de tapte mer enn dobbelt så mye som en gjennomsnittlig 122 pips på å miste handler. Ta dine tap tidlig , La dine fortjeneste løpe. Tallrike handelsbøker rådgir handelsmenn til å gjøre dette når handelen din går mot deg, lukk den ut. Ta det lille tapet og prøv deretter igjen senere. Det er bedre å ta et lite tap tidlig enn et stort tap senere. C Uansett, når en handel går bra, vær ikke redd for å la den fortsette å virke. Du kan muligens få mer fortjeneste. Dette kan høres enkelt gjør mer av det som fungerer og mindre av det som ikke er, men det går i strid med menneskets natur Vi ønsker å være rett Vi vil naturligvis holde fast på tap, håpe at ting vil vende seg om og at vår handel vil være riktig. Samtidig vil vi ta våre lønnsomme handler av bordet tidlig, fordi vi blir redd for å miste fortjenesten som vi har allerede gjort Dette er hvordan du mister penger trading Når handel er det viktigere å være lønnsomt enn å være rett Så ta tapene dine tidlig, og la fortjenesten dine gå. Hvordan gjør du det, følger en enkel regel. Å gjøre problem beskrevet ovenfor er ganske enkelt. Når handel følger alltid en enkel regel, søker du alltid en større belønning enn tapet du risikerer. Dette er et verdifullt råd som finnes i nesten hver handelsbok. Dette kalles vanligvis en risikobelønning. forholdet hvis du risikerer det mister det samme antall pips som du håper å få, så er risikobeløpet ditt 1 til 1 iblant skrevet 1 1 Hvis du målretter et overskudd på 80 pips med en risiko på 40 pips, har du en 1 2 risikobeløp forhold Hvis du følger denne enkle regelen, kan du være rett i retning av bare halvparten av handlene dine og fortsatt tjene penger fordi du vil tjene mer fortjeneste på dine vinnende handler enn tap på dine tapende handler. Hvilken andel bør du bruke Det avhenger av hvilken type handel du lager Du bør alltid bruke minimum 1 1-forhold På den måten, hvis du har rett kun halvparten av tiden, vil du i hvert fall bryte med deg. Generelt, med stor sandsynlighetshandelsstrategi, som for eksempel handelsstrategier, vil du Ønsker å bruke et lavere forhold, kanskje mellom 1 1 og 1 2 For lavere sannsynlighetstjenester, for eksempel trend trading strategier, anbefales en høyere risikobeløp, for eksempel 1 2, 1 3, eller enda 1 4 Husk, jo høyere risiko belønning forholdet du velger, jo sjeldnere må du riktig forutse markedet retning for å tjene penger trading. Stick til din plan Bruk Stopp og Limits. Once du har en handelsplan som bruker en skikkelig risiko belønning forholdet, er den neste utfordringen å holde fast i planen Husk det er naturlig for mennesker å ønske å hold fast på tap og ta fortjeneste tidlig, men det gir dårlig handel Vi må overvinne denne naturlige tendensen og fjerne våre følelser fra handel Den beste måten å gjøre dette på er å sette opp handelen med Stop-Loss og Limit bestillinger fra begynnelsen. vil tillate deg å bruke det riktige risikobelønningsforholdet 1 1 eller høyere fra begynnelsen, og å holde fast ved det. Når du har satt dem, må du ikke røre dem. Ett unntak du kan flytte ditt stopp til din fordel for å låse inn fortjeneste mens markedet beveger seg i din favør. Managing din risiko på denne måten er en del av det mange handelsfolk kaller penger ledelse Mange av de mest vellykkede forex handelsfolk har rett om markedet s retning mindre enn halvparten av tiden Siden de praktiserer god penge ledelse de kutte sine tap raskt og la t arv fortjeneste løp, så de er fortsatt lønnsomme i sin generelle trading. Does denne regelen virkelig fungerer. Absolut Det er en grunn til at så mange handelsmenn fortaler det Du kan lett se forskjellen i diagrammet nedenfor. De 2 linjene i diagrammet over viser Den hypotetiske avkastningen fra en grunnleggende RSI-handelsstrategi på USD CHF ved hjelp av et 60-minutters diagram Dette systemet ble utviklet for å etterligne strategien etterfulgt av et stort antall live-kunder, som pleier å være utvalgshandlere. Den blå linjen viser råavkastningen, hvis vi kjører systemet uten stopp eller grenser Den røde linjen viser resultatene hvis vi bruker stopp og grenser De forbedrede resultatene er enkle å se. Vårt rå system følger handelsfolk på en annen måte, det har en høy gevinstprosent, men mister fortsatt mer penger på tapte handler enn det gevinst på å vinne. Råsystemets bransjer er lønnsomme en imponerende 65 av tiden i testperioden, men det mistet gjennomsnittlig 200 på å miste handler, mens bare å lage et gjennomsnitt på 121 på vinnende handler. For vår St op og Limit-innstillinger i denne modellen, stiller vi stoppet til en konstant 115 pips og grensen til 120 pips, noe som gir oss et risikobeløp på litt høyere enn 1 1 Siden dette er en RSI Range Trading Strategy, gir en lavere risikopremie Forholdet ga oss bedre resultater, fordi det er en stor sannsynlighetsstrategi. 56 av handler i systemet var lønnsomme. Ved å sammenligne disse to resultatene kan du se at ikke bare er de samlede resultatene bedre med stopp og grenser, men positive resultater er mer konsekvente Drawdowns tendens til å være mindre, og egenkapitalkurven litt glatt. Også generelt var en risikobeløp på 1 til 1 eller høyere mer lønnsom enn en som var lavere. Neste diagram viser en simulering for å sette en stopp til 110 pips på hver handel Systemet hadde det beste samlede resultatet på rundt 1 til 1 og 1 til 1 5 risiko belønningsnivå I diagrammet nedenfor viser venstre akse den generelle avkastningen generert over tid av systemet Bunnaksen viser risikobeløpstallene Du kan se den bratte stigningen rett på 1 1-nivået På høyere risikovederlagsnivåer, er resultatene stort sett lik 1 1-nivået. I tillegg noterer vi oss at vår modellstrategi i dette tilfellet er en handelsstrategi med høy sannsynlighet, så det er sannsynlig at et lavrisikobelønningsforhold er sannsynlig å jobbe bra Med en trendstrategi, forventer vi bedre resultater med høyere risikoavkastning, ettersom trender kan fortsette til fordel for deg langt lenger enn en rekkefelt prisbevegelse. Spillplan Hvilken strategi skal jeg bruke. Handel forex med stopp og grenser satt til et risikobeløp på 1 1 eller høyere. Når du lager en handel, må du sørge for at du bruker en stop-loss-rekkefølge. Sørg alltid for at fortjenestemålet ditt er minst like langt borte fra inngangsprisen som din stopp - tap er Du kan sikkert sette pris målet ditt høyere og sannsynligvis bør sikte på 1 2 eller mer når trend trading Så du kan velge markedsretningen riktig bare halvparten av tiden og fortsatt tjene penger på din konto. Den faktiske avstanden du plasserer stoppene dine og grenser vil avhenge av conditi ons i markedet på det tidspunktet, for eksempel volatilitet, valutapar og hvor du ser støtte og motstand Du kan bruke samme risikobeløp for enhver handel Hvis du har et stoppnivå 40 pips vekk fra oppføring, bør du ha en fortjeneste mål 40 pips eller mer unna Hvis du har et stoppnivå på 500 pips vekk, bør overskuddsmålet være minst 500 pips unna. For våre modeller i denne artikkelen simulerte vi en typisk handelsmann ved hjelp av en av de mest vanlige og enkle intradaghandelen strategier det er, følger RSI på et 15-minutters diagram. Regelregel Når 14-års RSI krysser over 30, kjøp på markedet ved åpningen av neste bar Når RSI krysser under 70, selg på markedet ved åpningen av neste bar. Exit Rule Strategy vil avslutte en handel og vende retning når det motsatte signalet utløses. Når du legger i stopp og grenser, kan strategien lukke ut en handel før et stopp eller en grense er truffet, hvis RSI indikerer at en stilling skal være lukket eller vendt Når en stopp - eller begrensningsordre utløses ed, posisjonen er stengt og systemet venter på å åpne sin neste posisjon i henhold til inngangsreglene. Egenskapene til vellykkede handelsfolk. I løpet av de siste månedene har DailyFX-forskerholdet studert handelstrendene til kunder fra en stor FX megler, utnytte deres handelsdata Vi har gått gjennom et enormt antall statistikker og anonyme handelsrekorder for å svare på ett spørsmål. Hva skiller vellykkede forhandlere fra mislykkede handelsfolk. Vi har brukt denne unike ressursen for å destillere noen av de beste praksisene som vellykkede handelsmenn følger , som den beste tiden på dagen, riktig bruk av innflytelse, de beste valutaparene og mer. DailyFX gir forex nyheter og teknisk analyse om trender som påvirker de globale valutamarkedene. Mange mennesker har i dag en drøm om å bli en millionær på grunn av medieannonsering og TV Folk ser livene til kjendiser og millionærer, og de vil ha samme livsstil. Det mest populære spørsmålet kan jeg være en millionær trading forex. Ja, du kan være en millionær trading forex, men det er ikke lett som du ser på internett annonsering og media. Hvis du starter lite si med bare 5000 og gjør 10 av kapitalen din hver måned etter 5 år du vil faktisk være millionær Hvis du lager bare 10 av hovedstaden din hver måned kan du være millionær Du kan starte med 5K og i 5 år vil du bli millionær Hvis du starter med 10K, kan du være i 4 år, og hvis du starter med 100k du vil være i 2 år. Med bare 10 per måned kan du oppfylle din drøm Tenk på det I en hvilken som helst annen bransje kan du ikke starte med 5K og være millionær i noen år, men i forexmarkedet kan du Hvis du liker å handle forex fordi du tror du kan være millionær over natten eller i en uke eller måned, vennligst avslutt NÅ fordi du vil miste alle pengene dine og kanskje også miste din t-skjorte. Brokers skjuler alltid denne virkeligheten og forteller historier om å fordoble pengene dine over natten. De foretrekker du mister pengene dine til dem som så snart som mulig, fordi hvis du følger den riktige veien i noen år, vil de ikke se noe vesentlig fortjeneste fra deg. I løpet av flere år vil du være den som poketterer den sanne fortjenesten. Dette er selvsagt ikke i deres beste interesse fordi 90 av meglere er bare markeds beslutningstakere og har ingen sammenheng med markedet og bankene. De lager bare et virtuelt marked for deg og lar deg handle, og de tjener penger når du mister. Og de mister når du tjener penger. For dem er deres interesse å få deg til å miste som så snart som mulig, forsøker de å motivere deg til å legge til flere midler på kontoen din og miste pengene dine mer og mer. Hvis du virkelig vil være millionær i valutamarkedet, vær så snill å glemme å tjene penger. Du kan ikke få en kald kontanter i Forex markedet fordi det ikke eksisterer Du trenger tid til å lære å handle forex utvikle en strategi med 60 sannsynlighet for å vinne eller mer lære penger ledelse og ta deg tid og begynne å handle bare på en demo konto Vær tålmodig T rade i 3 måneder på en demo-konto Hvis du kan få suksess på en demo-konto, kan du gå og åpne en ekte konto og starte ekte handel. Hvis du ikke har suksess på en demo-konto, er noe ikke riktig, kanskje din strategi eller deg ikke respektere regler for pengestyring Når du vet at feilen korrigerer den, og deretter starte trading på en demo-konto til du begynner å se en gjentakende suksess. Ikke lenger nøl med og bli med oss ​​nå. Her finner du alt Forex-relatert. 1 1 k Vis Vis Oppsummering Ikke for Reproduction. More svar nedenfor Relaterte spørsmål. Hvordan får jeg mer fortjeneste fra forex trading. What Forex plattform anbefaler du å komme i gang trading currency. Is det lett å handle BTC USD i forhold til andre forex valutaer. Er det mulig for en amatør forex handelsmann å gjøre bærekraftig fortjeneste trading forex. How flyktig er Forex handel i dag og hvilken valuta er til en fordel. Deretter har jeg samlet tre forex trading strategier som profesjonelle forex handelsmenn bruker til å generere pro passe. Handle rett etter sterke markedsflytende dataprofiler. En fantastisk tilnærming til fordel i pengemarkedene er å bytte ut når det er overlegne enn forventet eller mer forferdelig enn forventet pengepolitiske opplysninger. For eksempel, hvis amerikanske arbeidsledighetsnumre kommer mye høyere enn forventet, vil Fed mer outlandish øke lånekostnadene på noen poeng i nær fremtid Dette vil dermed svekke amerikanske dollar mot euro, for eksempel Videre vil dette trekket være spiss umiddelbart etter erklæringen. I disse tilfellene, hvis du hopper på den lille skalaen, går det raskt og tilbyr amerikanske dollar mot euro, så kan du tjene penger på å utveksle. Hold dine stoppulykker oppe, men ikke veldig tette, da det er konstant uunngåelig uforutsigbarhet etter pengedagsdeklarasjoner. Ulempen med denne teknikken er at du bare kan utføre det på dager med monetære opplysninger, og det bør være en overraskelse i tallene. Vær så snill, på en dag hvor det skjer, kan det være svært gunstig. I tillegg må du huske denne metoden. Bruke store runde tall for å angi stopp og målpriser. Når du er logget på din online forex-utvekslingstrinn, sørger du for å sette opp alarmer for ekte myntsett når deres kostnader beveger seg nær påståtte enorme runde tall. Store runde tall henviser til tall, for eksempel 1 50 i GBPUSD eller 1 00 i EURUSD , for eksempel, og er kjent for å være fysiologisk utveksling av nivåer som følgelig kan benyttes til å angi målkostnader eller stopp-ulykkesnivåer. Sannhet blir fortalt, akademiske studier har vist at enorme runde tall har innvirkning på betydelige myntsett, slik at de virkelig kan bli brukt som en forblir ensom utvekslingsanordning. Bruk av en kombinasjon av tekniske indikatorer. Når det gjelder valutakursutveksling ved hjelp av grafeksameninstrumenter, for eksempel spesialiserte markører, er det helt nødvendig å ikke bare holde fast ved en peker for å avgjøre dine utvekslingsvalg. Utveksling av myntsett ved å benytte bare en enkelt spesialisert peker, vil ikke gi deg noen fordel. Ulike vitenskapelige studier har vist at i stedet for å effektivt utveksle monetære standarder ved hjelp av graferundersøkelse, er det å benytte noen få markører i blanding med hverandre. For eksempel illustrerer en stor spesialisert markørbasert utvekslingsprosedyre på MACD Moving Average Convergence Divergence, RSI Relative Strength Index, Bollinger Bands og ROC Endringshastighet. Sammen med disse fire pointers kan du forbedre utviklingen med hensyn til mønster, energi , uforutsigbarhet og volum Den beste tilnærmingen til å omdanne disse fire markørene til en utvekslingsmetodikk er å bytte ut når 4 av de 4 poengene sier kjøp eller tilbud, da kjøper du eller tilbyr dette. Dette ville være et solid utvekslingssignal I tilfelle at 3 av De 4 markørene gir deg et utvekslingssignal, du kan også utveksle, men det ville i mindre grad være et solid utvekslingssignal. Dersom 2 eller mindre poengene viser deg, bør du utføre en utveksling, forlater du det som Utvekslingssymbolet er ikke tilstrekkelig solid. EURUSD-diagrammet under viser en visuell presentasjon av denne metoden og de spesifikke poengene som følger med. Det er en fantastisk teknikk som kan benyttes til å produsere generelle kontantutvekslingsfordeler. Nøkkelen er å holde fast i pengespillkonkurranser og ikke til sjanse for mye kapital. I tillegg jobber du på en pålitelig måte med stopp-uhell, på den tilfeldige sjansen at uventede markedsutviklinger skjer, på grunn av nasjonale bankinteresser eller geo-politiske anledninger. Å bytte forex produktivt er det viktig å finne den rette blandingen av utvekslingssystemer som du kan bruke til å vinne. Du vil definitivt bygge opp din egen spesielle utvekslingsform, og du vil finne at noen få prosedyrer fungerer foretrukket for deg over andre. Således er det s flott å eksperimentere med ulike måter å håndtere forex utveksling, for å finne de som er ideelle for deg.353 Visninger Vis oppvoter Ikke for reproduksjon. Hva det, flott spørsmål. Det er helt mulig å være lønnsomt i forex. Men det vant t vær lett Og her er hvor de fleste går galt. Hva om jeg sa deg at 70 av alle oppstart ikke lykkes heller, ville du bli overrasket Sannsynligvis ikke fordi det er veldig hardt å starte en bedrift Det er mange år å lære tusenvis av nye ting, disiplin, utholdenhet, strukturert arbeid. Hvorfor tror folk at forex er noe annet Ikke rart de fleste forexhandlere mister penger Hva du trenger å gjøre er å behandle forex som en bedrift, og du får se resultater Her er hvordan jeg ville nærme seg det. Prøv t o fokus først på prosessen i stedet for fortjenesten Du bør studere grunnleggende først BabyPips skolen er utmerket for dette Få en demo konto fra en god og regulert megler Jeg kan anbefale Pepperstone Jeg har vært med disse gutta for en stund nå nå og deres spredninger - spesielt på deres Razor ECN-tilbud - støtte og pålitelighet er topp hakk. Prøv å få en følelse av hvordan handel fungerer. Nesten opp, les et par gode bøker om forex trading Lær det grunnleggende om lysestake kartlegging, pris mønstre, teknisk og grunnleggende analyse, trading følelser osv. For å holde øye med nyhetene, er en god økonomisk kalender også nyttig. Du bør også begynne å lage din egen handelsplan med et handelsregister. Forskjellen mellom en vellykket handelsmann og en tapende er at å miste handelsmenn mangler struktur En handelsplan og tidsskrift gir den strukturen. Dette vil gi deg et godt grunnlag for alt du trenger å vite om forex. Det vil ikke gi deg erfaring med en gang, men hvis du henger i ther e lenge nok vil det føre til at du kan ta de riktige avgjørelsene og til slutt bli lønnsomme. Ikke nøl med å kontakte meg hvis du har flere spørsmål.444 Visninger Ikke for reproduksjon. Så hvis Valutahandel kan være lønnsomt, og det kan være, hvorfor gjør så mange nye handelsmenn feil. Valutahandel, som mange andre sysler, er lønnsom hvis - og dette er en veldig stor IF - du vet hva du gjør Problemet er at folk flest tror at handel er lettere fra begynnelsen enn det egentlig er det trodde de er riktig, et valutapar kommer til å bevege seg inn i en av to retninger, opp eller ned Velg en og du har 50 50 sjanse for å få det riktig Ganske enkle ting og likevel en veldig stor andel nye handelsmenn mislykkes. Tenk på det på denne måten, men Har du 50 50 sjanse til å ta et skudd mot LeBron i NBA Nope Har du 50 50 sjanse for å overgå ham over flere spill? Nei, la s gå til medisin. Har du 50 50 sjanse til å gjøre hjernekirurgi på pasient og havi Ng dem overlever Nope Hvis du gjør flere operasjoner, vil oddsene dine bli bedre. Men for noen grunn, når det gjelder handel, tror noen at du kan lese noen bøker, lese noen blogger, åpne en demo-konto, åpne en live konto og om noen dager kan du være i markeder med vellykket handel mot proffene - folk som har vært de beste i sitt felt i flere tiår. I hvilket annet yrke kan du gjøre det å ta det ovennevnte NBA-eksemplet, uansett hvor alvorlig jeg er , Jeg kan ikke lese noen bøker på basketball i helgen, ta noen bilder i bakgården og ligge på gulvet mot LeBron om noen dager. Jeg kan heller ikke lese noen bøker om hjernekirurgi og til og med få tilgang til et operasjonsrom la alene utføre en faktisk operasjon. LeBron James eller Dr Ben Carson har ingenting å frykte fra meg. Nå leser handelsblogger, lytter til webinarer, handler i en demo-konto, etc. for å lære mer, er alle absolutt hjelpsomme og gyldige sysler. Men de alene vil generelt ikke forberede deg på suksess ove r time. Currency trading, trading generelt gir imidlertid muligheten til å konkurrere mot de profesjonelle mens du har absolutt ingen erfaring Og du kan gjøre det i løpet av dager Og hvis du er spesielt aggressiv, om noen timer og du kan gjøre det med høy innflytelse. Hva kan muligens gå galt? Nå skriver jeg det ovenstående IKKE for å frata deg fra handel eller lære å handle, skriver jeg ovenstående for å oppmuntre deg til å gå om handel og lære å handle på riktig måte. Kjenne arenaen som du går inn og lærer å spille spillet, lærer deg virkelig å spille det, før du noen gang kommer inn i spillet LeBron hadde trenere og mentorer gjennom hele karrieren Dr. Ben Carson hadde lærere og mentorer som han fulgte i Med School og beyond. Once you bestemme at du vil forfølge handel, behandle det som du ville noe annet yrke - seriøst og med forberedelsen. De tre handelsgrunnleggende som jeg fokuserer på først hos kundene mine, er som følger.1 Utvikle en Trader s Mindset - psykologien til t rading.2 Forstå prinsippene for Money Management og bruk dem uavhengig.3 Handel med en strategi som gir deg en kant - legg sjansen for å ha en vellykket handel i din favør. Hvis du har spørsmål eller kommentarer til dette innlegget, følg fri å email meg. Here er en lenke til min youtube channel som gir eksempler på hvordan jeg går om å lete etter høyere sannsynlighet trading opportunities. Regards og god handel, Richard.2 2k Vis Vis Oppstikk Ikke for Reproduction. In for å svare dette, en trenger å forstå hvor han er på nåværende tidspunkt Hvis du trenger å fortsette å handle for en periode N, må du forstå de nødvendige ferdighetene og talentene som vil holde din handelskonto levende. Først og fremst kan jeg anbefale dette verktøyet Forex Trader SWOT Analyse Plus Business Plan. What er emosjonell Quotient. Imagine, du fant en mygg sitter på underarmen din Forventet du ville reagere på det, ved å drepe det med et slag Når myggen dør, hvordan vil du føle deg bestemme din em otional kvotient Sannsynligvis vil du være glad for at du negerer en trussel. Ingen følelsesmessig kvotient på tidspunktet null står på 100 i dette scenariet. Etter en stund, la oss forestille deg, Du fant din kjære hund eller katt som lå død. Hvordan vil du føle deg bestemme din emosjonell kvotient igjen Sannsynligvis blir vårt humør kjedelig, tårene begynner å strømme, sorgssensitssett i denne sinnstilstanden gir deg en svært svak emosjonell kvotient. I diagrammet kan du se det parabolske fallet i følelsesmessig kvote. Grafen representerer en nybegynner fysiologisk tilnærming mot markeder Sammenligner det med emosjonell tilstand til en eksperthandler som har sett nesten alle mulige verre saksscenarier i markedet. Det er denne HØYE EQ av en nybegynnerhandler som resulterer i nybegynnerfluktfaktor. Fordeler ved å være nybegynner. Det er svært få parametre som hindrer din beslutningstaking, tankeprosessen. Markedssalg, eller panikkbevegelser er ennå ikke opplevd. Gjennomføring av posisjoner ender opp med å gi fortjeneste til slutt. En ignora nt newbie holder posisjoner i fortjeneste lengre selv i helgene. Risk er den minste parameteren, det handler alltid om mål på grunn av høy tillit. Det er fire stadier som en handelsmann går gjennom.1 Du vet ikke hva du ikke vet.2. Du vet hva du ikke vet.3 Du vet at du ikke vet.4 Du vet det du mestrer. Du vet ikke hva du ikke vet. Here vil vi ta et eksempel for å illustrere dette Du er en ny handelsmann bilførere På en regnfull kveld, da veiene var klare, gjorde du en tur på 100 kilometer på bare 20 minutter med en topphastighet på 150 km / t. Bare vær sikker på at du ikke kan beregne. Dette er scenen hvor du ikke vet hva som alle risikerer at der Men tiden var god, og du gjorde det for den ene stasjonen.2 Du vet hva du ikke vet. Neste morgen i avisen leser du en artikkel om en bilulykke. Denne krasj skjedde på samme rute som du kjørte i går kveld Infact denne bilen krasjet si 15 minutter etter at du passerte det punktet Det skidded av veien og fe Nå kommer du fra broen. Ja, nå vet du hva du ikke vet. Neste gang vil du aldri slå 150 km / t eller kjøre innen tjue minutter. I likhet med handel vil du ikke ta en stor innsats etter å ha sett en uventet hendelse, skru en handel. 3 Du vet Det vet du ikke. Du begynte å diskutere om dette til alle. Hver fyr slog seg i sin erfaring med utslettkjøring. Du kom til å vite om mudder på veien, skarpe svinger, Et dyr kunne stå midt i veien osv. Nå er du veldig klar over det av risiko involvert i å nå 150 mphs. Trading nyheter påvirker deg Hva obama sa, hvordan matet reagerte alle de små ting påminner deg alle potensielle reverseringer i markedet eller risiko På dette stadiet er du mer fokusert på å vite mer om risiko og hva alle ting som kunne gå galt.4 Du vet det du mestrer. Fra å være en nybegynner førsteklasses sjåfør, nå er du en erfaren sjåfør med 10 års erfaring. Helvete, det er ingen måte du vil ta den dumme risikoen for å kjøre så fort igjen. Likevel, oppmuntrende nyheter, op timismen du hadde i begynnelsen, har blitt overskygget av risiko og frykt for tap. Du har mestret hvert risikoscenario så godt at du vant å sitte i fortjeneste for lenge. Hver liten korreksjon vil bringe hjertet ditt til munn og riste din bekreftelse tro på å holde posisjon til målet møtes Alle mulige handel vil bli fulgt av analyseforlamning For mye risikoanalyse og for lite tålmodighet. Vel, bare forskjellen mellom kjøring og handel er. Ved kjøring med mange års erfaring, vil sannsynligheten for å krasje din bil redusere i handel, krasj kontosaldoen din til slutt og gjentatte ganger. Forutsetninger for en nybegynner å bli en fulltidshandler fra emosjonell kvotientparameter. En bør kunne forbli rasjonell uten å bli festet på markedets bevegelser. Hver gjennomsnitt i et løftet marked øker risikopotensialet eksponentielt Dette forårsaker en god sving i motsatt retning drar deg tilbake med måneder Hvordan vil du håndtere det følelsesmessig. Kan du stoppe hjernen din på vilje fr om å tenke på markeder og løsne seg fra det. For mye fokus på prisbevegelser forårsaker stress. Til tider øker blodtrykket hvis din ProfitNLoss viser et stort tap. Hvor bra er du i å håndtere det. Lag en ung som er i barnehagen, og vi beregner hans intelligens kvotient IQ i matematikk termer Siden barnet har ingen kunnskap om matematikk ennå, antar vi at hennes IQ er null. Med tidenes gang, lærer dette barnet På et visst nivå antar vi at hans IQ har gått opp eksponentielt i matematikk Dette Det er ingen kjennskap til arbitrage, sikring, opsjonsprissetting av premieinnkreving, anropssett, binære alternativer, utløp av futures, mye størrelse, marginberegning, transaksjonskostnader, serviceavgift etc Alle disse ordene høres fremmed til dem De har null IQ i den forbindelse. Ovennevnte graf representerer hvordan med tidshandler får mer innsikt og kjøper intelligens kvotient. Mer tid brukt, mer Erfaring som næringsdrivende ville få Etter å ha overvåket finansmarkedet dag og natt over en lang tid, er hver handelsmulighet hindret av potensiell risiko en nybegynnerhandler er for mye opptatt av mulige muligheter, med intelligens kvotient en handelsmenn fokuserer skift mot risiko aversive mye intelligens kvotienten forårsaker for mye analyse, og dette fører igjen til analyseforlamningssyndrom. En forhandler fortsetter å analysere markedet mer enn noensinne. Eksperthandler som ønsker å leve ut av handel, må lære kunsten å gi vekt på hver parameter som bør vurderes før du tar markedsrisiko. I en gitt situasjon ut av 100 mulig risiko vil de bare være 2-3 store trusler. En må være ekspert på å peke på dem og gjøre et sprang av troshandelen. Til tider er matte nyheter viktig. , kan være arbeidsledighetsdata, eller kan være for mye fortjeneste booking osv. velg parameteren din klokt For mye intelligens er dårlig Hold dette på mellomlang sikt. Som vist i ab ove chart En profesjonell handelsmann som lever ut av handel må finne en nisjebalanse mellom EQ og IQ Vanligvis tar det 4-5 år med 3-4 ganger konkurs situasjon, før en person finner denne nisjebalansen mellom hans følelsesmessige kvotient og intelligens quotient. Characteristics of a profesjonell trader. He innser at hans hjerne alltid er utålmodig til å bestille fortjeneste og vente når han er i tap, så han trenger å kontrollere sinnet ved å bringe inn noen IQ i spillet. Almeste hver handelsmann utnytter uten å beregne risiko blir dette til slutt en vane til en fin dag markedet går irrasjonell i lengre periode enn du kan forbli solvent. Professional handelsfolk klarer å kutte tap i tide uten anger. Confident pro handelsfolk legge på flere stillinger i sin allerede profit making posisjon, mens andre handelsmenn ville tenke av booking fortjeneste Dette skyldes høy EQ på den aktuelle trade. There profit diagrammer ser parabolske med eksponentiell vekst mens tap grafen vil være lineær decl ining Thus they need just few winners with exponential profits when compared to lots of linear losses. Thus i hope i have included almost all points needed to be thought about before plunging into trading for a living A person who desires high emotional quotient all the time usually becomes a sage While, a person who has high Intelligence quotient ends up in NASA The person who has that right balance needs 5 years of loss making experience first to be a good trader.2 2k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Absolutely Yes You can make money through currency trading or Forex trading It is an art and there is no shortcut in trading I suggest you to develop your trading skills through practice and discipline If you are a beginner and want to earn cash through currency trading, I strongly recommend you to trade with single currency pair Choose that pair of currency which you know well. Also, I aware you to be careful and avoid scams Choose your broker wisely who provide you a better platfo rm Go for softwares which help you for trading and keeping record of daily ups and downs in market You can tie up with companies like Fortunity Alliance network FAN for trading because it is helpful if you trade with repudiated companies they provide a good platform and a better option for earn money You can check my recent article on What is More Beneficial Trading Solo or by Merging with a Group I hope this will help you make your choice.179 Views Not for Reproduction. You should know what your limits of pain are In my early days, I worked as a waiter for 80 month This was really low for me Now, 200 and 300 are just numbers for me So you should know if you can afford to lose. Study and research. There s one website Technical Analysis Education ChartSchool You don t need platform like ninja trader for the training course. Register for a Demo account. It s natural to think yourself god after reading about the charting techniques which is the beginner introduction for newbie s who start play ing with real money But, you should not be playing in the initial days You will be losing for first 3-4 days even in the best case scenario. However, you would not listen You should be keeping 500 ready We usually suggest that you shouldn t be entering the market you cannot afford to lose 100 for 4-5 times You would definitely come back after losing to read the course again You can achieve almost 20 of the returns even if you are done with complete study. Register for a Live account. Select a broker, who is offering free offers I prefer Finprotrading They are genuinely a good ECN broker and are very supportive.418 Views Not for Reproduction. Willis Som Best Forex Invest site is forex signals es. Forex, the biggest monetary market of the world can get you cash What s more, it is conceivable just when you are almost certain about your accomplishment in exchanging and know how to counter the chances of money exchanging unfavorable conditions An effective broker of cash exchanging should be sti rred and caution about his procedures and choices A little attempt is made beneath to discover a couple of key characteristics labeled with a fruitful dealer of money market. Indeed, certainty comes at first What s more, it gets from learning In the event that you are new to cash showcase, make no move until you are certain about the fitness of your exchanging understanding Go for a few instructional exercises On the off chance that conceivable make an inquiry or two ideally the specialists having years of ability in coin exchanging You can consider the courses and instructional exercises on money exchanging which are normally planned by experts These courses are likewise accessible on the web It implies getting a specialist for your money exchanging is never a repetitive assignment Regardless of whether you are in night robe or suits, a solitary snap can do everything at the solace of your own home. An instructional exercise or course in coin exchanging will show you the market rudiment s, arrangements, exchange insider facts, how to opening and overseeing exchange account, expanding benefits and some more These information sources and particulars will unquestionably help you to get sure Certainty is great yet in some cases carelessness may lead you to misfortune The mantra of effective forex signals exchanging says a merchant ought to be judicious not passionate He ought to be sure however not over the heads. Presently how a broker could counter the chances of coin exchanging unfriendly conditions All things considered, the answer lies as far as he can tell The more he exchange the coin advertise, more he will have the capacity to pick up the experience On the course of getting the experience, he finds out about the monetary standards, economies, exchanging sets, specialized and key investigation of cash exchanging and some more All these add to his improvement as an immaculate dealer of money market. The forex market is unpredictable Alongside points of interest, the market has certain computed hazards moreover Being a stirred dealer of cash market, you ought to have an eye for news with respect to everything most recent in coin exchanging You ought to ready to figure the dangers and counter them with a certain stroke of exchanging.317 Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Sarah Alice A part time Forex consultant and a trader. Yes, of course if Forex trading is done with more knowledge and experience then definitely you will achieve more profit in your if you have practiced the demo account then it will be easier for you to succeed in the Forex any hesitation and risk try your hands on Forex trading by opening a demo account Online Demo Accounts - Greenvault FX.1 2k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Is intraday trading profitable. Ajilon Finace MT4 Forex Who can explain MT4 forex trading platforms. Who are successful Forex traders. What do you think Is Forex trading profitable. Forex Trading Help. What is the best advise that can be given to ForE x traders. What are the best strategies to make consistent profit at trading forex. What are the best Forex Trading Tips. How do I use an economic calendar to trade in forex markets. In Forex Trading the word Scalping is often used among Currency Traders What does it mean to Scalp Trades. How do you get the money profited from trading forex. What platform do most traders in Africa invest in forex through. What is the quickest way to get profit from Forex trading. With options or forex trading in mind, could I profitably live off a 100,000 investment. In order to answer this, one needs to understand where he is at current point If you need to keep trading for a time period N, then you need to understand the required skills and talents which would keep your trading account alive. What is emotional Quotient. Imagine, you found a mosquito sitting on your forearm Expectedly you would react to it, by killing it with a slap Once the mosquito dies, how will you feel determines your emotional quotient Mos t likely you would be glad that you negated a threat No emotional quotient at time zero stands at 100 in this scenario. After a while, let s imagine, You found your beloved pet dog or cat laying dead How would you feel determines your emotional quotient again Most likely our Mood becomes dull, tears start to flow, mourning sensation sets in This state of mind gives you a very weak emotional quotient In the chart you could see that parabolic fall in emotional quotient. The graph represents a newbies physiological approach towards markets Then compares it with emotional state of a expert trader who has seen almost all possible worse case scenarios in market Its this HIGH EQ of a newbie trader which results in beginners luck factor. Benefits of being a newbie trader. There are very few parameters that hinder your decision making thought process. Market sell-off, or panic movements are yet to be experienced. Averaging out positions end up in giving profits eventually. A ignorant newbie holds posi tions in profit longer even over the weekends. Risk is the least parameter, it s always about targets due to high confidence. There are four stages that a trader passes through.1 You don t know What you don t know.2 You know What you don t know.3 You know That you don t know.4 You know it you mastered it.1 You don t know what you don t know. Here we will take an example to illustrate this You are a new trader car driver On a rainy night, when roads were clear you made a 100 mile journey in just 20 minutes with a top speed of 150 mph just imagine please don t calculate. This is the stage where you don t know What all risk that where there But the time was good and you made it for that one particular drive.2 You know What you don t know. Next morning in newspaper you read an article about a car crash This crash occurred in the same route that you did the driving last night Infact this car crashed say 15 minutes after you passed that point It skidded off the road and fell off the bridge. Ye a Now you know, what you don t know Next time you will never hit 150 mph or drive within twenty minutes Likewise in trading you won t take a huge bet after watching an unexpected event screw a trade.3 You know That you don t know. You started discussing about this to everyone Every guy pitched in his experience of rash driving You came to know about mud on road issue, sharp turns, AN animal could stand in middle of road etc Now you are very well aware of risk involved in reaching 150 mphs. Trading news affects you What obama said, how fed reacted all those tiny things remind you all potential reversals in market or risks At this stage you are more focused in knowing more about risk and what all things that could go wrong.4 You know it you mastered it. From being a novice first time driver, now you are an experienced driver with 10 years of experience Hell there is no way you will take that stupid risk of driving so fast ever again. Likewise the encouraging news, the optimism that you had at beginning has been overshadowed by risk and fear of loss You have mastered every risk scenario so well that, you won t sit in profit for long Every slight correction will bring your heart to mouth and shake your confirm believe of holding the position till target meets Every potential trade will be followed by analysis paralysis Too much risk analysis and too little patience. Oh well, only difference between driving and trading is. In driving with years of experience probability of crashing your car will reduce In trading, you crash your account balance eventually and repeatedly. Requirements for a newbie to become a full time trader from emotional quotient parameter. One should be able to remain rational without getting attached upon the market moves. Every averaging in a leveraged market increases risk potential exponentially This causes one good swing in opposite direction draw you back by months How will you handle it emotionally. Can you stop your brain at will from, thinking about m arkets and get detached from it. Too much focusing on price movements causes stress At times raises blood pressure if your ProfitNLoss shows a huge loss How good are you in handling it. Imagine a kid who is in kindergarten, and we calculate his intelligence quotient IQ in mathematics terms Since the kid has no knowledge about maths yet, we assume his her IQ to be zero. With passage of time, this kid learns it By some degree level we assume his IQ has gone up exponentially in mathematics This is how traders intelligence quotient works. Newbie traders intelligence quotient is near to nil There is no knowledge about arbitrage, hedging, option pricing premium collection, call put, binary options, expiry of futures, lot size, margin calculation, transaction costs, service tax etc All these words sounds alien to them They have zero IQ in that respect. The above graph represents how with time trader gains more insights and acquires intelligence quotient. More the time spent, more experienced that tra der would get After monitoring financial markets day and night over a long course of time, Every trade opportunity is hindered with potential risk a newbie trader is too much concerned with potential opportunities, with intelligence quotient a traders focus shifts towards risk aversive much intelligence quotient causes too much analysis and this in turn leads to analysis paralysis syndrome Here a trader keeps on analysing market more than ever needed. Expert trader who wants to make a living out of trading, has to learn the art of giving weightage to each parameter that should be considered before taking a market risk At any given situation out of 100 possible risk their would be just 2-3 major threats One needs to be an expert in pin pointing those and do a leap of faith trade At times, fed news is important, may be unemployment data, or may be too much profit booking etc choose your parameter wisely Too much intelligence is bad Keep this a medium term. As shown in above chart a professi onal trader who makes a living out of trading must find a niche balance between EQ and IQ Usually it s take 4-5 years with 3-4 times bankruptcy situation, before a person finds this niche balance between his emotional quotient and intelligence quotient. Characteristics of a professional trader. He realizing that his brain is always impatient to book profits and wait when in loss thus he needs to control his mind by bringing in some IQ into the game. Almost every trader leverages without calculating risk this eventually becomes an habit until one fine day market goes irrational for longer period than you can remain solvent. Professional traders manage to cut losses on time with no remorse. Confident pro traders add on more positions into their already profit making position, while other traders would be thinking of booking profits This is due to high EQ at that particular trade. There profit charts look parabolic with exponential growth while loss graph will be linear declining Thus they need just few winners with exponential profits when compared to lots of linear losses. Thus i hope i have included almost all points needed to be thought about before plunging into trading for a living A person who desires high emotional quotient all the time usually becomes a sage While, a person who has high Intelligence quotient ends up in NASA The person who has that right balance needs 5 years of loss making experience first to be a good trader.78 9k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. A lot of people today have a dream to become a millionaire because of media advertising and TV People see the lives of celebrities and millionaires and they want to have the same lifestyle The most popular question can I be a millionaire trading forex. Yes, you can be a millionaire trading forex but it is not easy like you see on internet advertising and media If you start small say with just 5,000 and make 10 of your capital each month after 5 years you will indeed be a millionaire If you make just 1 0 of your capital each month you can be millionaire You can start with 5K and in 5 years you will be millionaire If you start with 10K you can be in 4 years and if you start with 100K you will be in 2 years. With just 10 a month you can fulfil your dream Think about it In any other industry you can not start with 5K and be a millionaire in a few years but in the forex market you can If you like to trade forex because you think you can be millionaire overnight or in a week or month please exit NOW because you will lose all your money and may also lose your t-shirt. Brokers always hide this reality and tell you stories about doubling your money overnight They prefer for you to lose your money to them as soon as possible because if you follow the correct way for a few years they will not see any substantial profit from you Over the course of several years you will be the one pocketing the true profits This is of course not in their best interest because 90 of brokers are just market makers and have no relation with the market and banks They just create a virtual market for you and let you trade and they make money when you lose And they lose when you make money For them their interest is to make you lose as soon as possible then they try to motivate you to add more funds to your account and lose your funds more and more. If you really you want to be a millionaire in the forex market please forget about making money easily You can not make a cold cash in forex market because that does not exist You will need time to learn how to trade forex develop a strategy with 60 probability to win or more learn money management and take your time and start trading just on a demo account Be patient Trade for 3 months on a demo account If you can have success on a demo account then you can go and open a real account and start real trading If you can not have success on a demo account then something is not right maybe your strategy or you do not respect money management rules After you k now the error correct it and then restart trading on a demo account until you start seeing recurring success. Do no longer hesitate and join us now Here you can find everything Forex related.5 3k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. It is possible, however research and retail broker data clearly states that less than 1 of traders can actually make profits. The problem, however, doesn t lie in the difficulty along but in the way the average trader approaches trading In the end, trading, regardless of the market, is a profession just like any other You wouldn t expect to watch some youtube videos, read a couple of articles and then be ready to work as a surgeon or a lawyer. If you really want to follow this path, it shouldn t be for the money, but because you have a passion for it The path to becoming a consistently profitable trader can be a long one You ll very likely experience frustrations, setbacks and times when you just want to quit If you are just in for the money, your motivatio n probably won t be enough Research shows that the majority of traders quit within 2 months. The best you can do, is accept that becoming a professional trader usually takes years and you will need to treat it like a business and a new skill-set you have to develop This means, learning the basics about the markets, constant self improvement, following the financial markets, analyzing your trading performance, tracking your trades and collecting as much data as possible to be able to spot weaknesses in your strategy or things where you should further improve on. I am attaching you the pyramid showing the survival rate of traders This is not to demotivate you, but to show you that most people who set out to becoming a professional trader, quit However, it clearly is possible to make profits - as Rich nicely described Before you dive into the world of trading, check yourself and ask yourself if you have the correct mindset and the determination, or are just looking for the quick money This is not possible in trading, unfortunately However, if you can develop a passion for trading, you ll learn a lot about yourself and can have fun on the journey. May the pips be with you.61 2k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Rich Young Professional forex trader for over a decade. Updated 131w ago Upvoted by Dave Hughe Forex Trader Forex Signals Provider. Sure it s possible to earn sustainable profits trading forex I have been doing it for over 10 years. It s also possible to lose money trading forex In fact the very best traders do both regularly Losing money in a trade is just part of trading The trick comes in developing the skill set to steadily increase your account balance even though individual trades can go in either direction There are very specific things you can learn in order to do this regularly and successfully. What you are looking for as a trader is an edge The process of analyzing the market, watching price behavior, exercising prudent money management and risk managem ent and forecasting the likely next move of the market with the successful outcome being determined by the choice you make on the basis of the training and experience that you have gained makes this the most exciting and profitable competitive endeavor in the world of finance All of those above listed skills are learned Of all the people I have mentored and who trade profitably I have never met a single one who was born knowing how to trade Every one of them learned what they now use to earn money trading, a step at a time Most came to this having no previous experience at trading any kind of financial instrument. One can approach this by visiting free sites on the internet but it will most certainly take you much longer and that approach will expose the trader to losses, but from which he she can learn That approach requires you to learn on your own without very if any effective feedback Using a mentor whom you would hire , who is already trading successfully and profitably, can teach you the ropes that will greatly accelerate your learning curve and will save you years of time and potentially tens of thousands of dollars in losses In this kind of learning it can really be a question of being penny wise and pound foolish Getting immediate feedback as concepts are learned and practiced are invaluable Find a good mentor with whom you are compatible All of that can all be done on line. One of the beauties of trading forex is that you can trade quite realistically while you are learning with what amounts to pretend money You can do that as long as you want to with no financial exposure to any possible losses This is very useful as you acquire, then develop, and then hone and sharpen your new trading skills When you are ready, you can then switch over to real money, but still trade in very small amounts as low as 10 cents a pip, and in some cases even a penny a pip while you develop your trading skills and prove to yourself what you now know Once switched to a real money account, one can actually trade while risking as little as a few dollar bills. The second half of your question asked how does one make money in forex No, there are no quarterly dividends as such in this endeavor Each trade position that you take in the forex market can be held for a short time or a long time By short I mean seconds or minutes By long I mean hours, days, weeks or months You decide this by the style of trading that you enter into When you close your position, the gain or loss is instantly credited debited to your brokerage account This is a highly liquid market meaning you will find someone to take your trade or get you out of it at virtually any time and orders in either direction and either opening or closing a position are executed in milliseconds It is the biggest market in the world far surpassing any of the bond or equity markets to the tune of some four trillion dollars a day changing hands yes, that s four thousand billion dollars a day. Rather obviously then, the answer to the question would be that whenever you want to be paid and you have had profitable trades, you would instruct your broker to use whatever money transfer method he offers to get your money to the bank account that you control These usually include wire transfers, credit debit card transfers and even such systems as Paypal Just more recently in 2014, crypto currencies in the form of altcoins such as Bitcoin are another possibility for low cost money transfers. Trading the forex is very definitely a thinking person s game Pattern recognition, signal interpretation, analysis of indicators and what they are telling you, mental discipline and understanding of human psychology all make forex trading the most fascinating of human financial endeavors It makes no difference whether the currency market you decide to trade is going up, down or sideways - you can still profit if you have learned how to assess the market you are facing. Similar to the lyrics in the The Gambler by Kenny Rog ers, you ve got to know when to hold em, and when to fold em There is a lot of forex trader wisdom in the song Listen to it several times. Here are the lyrics The Gambler Lyrics modified slightly by me to fit trading. You ve got to know when to hold em Know when to fold em Know when to walk away And know when to run You never count your money When you re sittin at the puter There ll be time enough for countin When the tradin s done. Every trader knows That the secret to survivin Is knowin what to throw away And knowin what to keep Cause every trade s a winner And every trade s a loser And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep. Forex trading is accessible 24 hours a day, 5 1 2 days a week from virtually anywhere in the world You have no employees, no payroll to meet, very low overhead, no accounts receivables, no billing, no commute and no related car expenses, no dress code, and no office politics You have no set hours that you must work, no boss and you can work from the comfort of your own home If you want to travel, take your laptop with you and trade from any location in the world where you have a reliable DSL quality internet connection. But you do have to be disciplined You do have to learn how to take losses There is no free lunch You do have to think You have to be a decision maker Trading is a business and it must be approached that way - in a businesslike manner Trading is for intelligent people who take responsibility for themselves and their own decisions. It is not an easy road to riches but the road does go there and if you have the journey in you, you can go there too As we say to travelers in Panama, Buen viaje.57 5k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. I m going to give you the unpopular answer it is not easy to make consistent profits in forex 60 of forex traders lose money, and this is a conservative estimate. As they say The best way to end up with 1000 in forex is to start with 2000.It is definitely possible though Here s how I woul d approach it. I know it sounds underwhelming, but try to focus first on the process instead of the profits You should study the basics first the BabyPips school is excellent for this Then, get a demo account from a decent broker I can recommend AxiTrader but any reputable broker such as FXCM or Oanda is equally good and try to get a feel of how trading works. Next up, read a couple of good books on trading Learn the basics of candlestick charting, price patterns, technical and fundamental analysis, trading emotions, etc I ve listed up some great forex books , most of them classics in their own regard To keep an eye on the news, a good economic calendar is also useful. You should also start creating your own trading plan with a trading journal The difference between a successful trader and a losing one is that losing traders lack structure A trading plan and journal provides that structure. A trading journal should not only be a logbook of the trades you take, but also how you feel about t aking that trade, what you perceive as risks and even ongoing emotions as the open trade unfolds It deals with trading emotions in a systematic way that makes it easier to improve on them. Ultimately, this will lead you to make the right decisions, achieve consistency and eventually make consistent profits in the forex market.7 1k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Robert Parker CEO of Holborn Assets - Holistic Financial Planning Services, Dubai. Let me briefly answer the questions, and then develop the subject. Is it possible for an amateur Forex trader to make sustainable profits trading Forex. No It is possible for an amateur trader to simply make some profits, but it is quite sure he will sooner or later get his balance to negative until he does not upgrade to the professional level And by professional level I don t mean having certificates of a trading academy The key thing is the experience and being conscious about every decision you make It s like in any other business. How spe cifically do you make money in Forex. Well, technically speaking, the steps are as follows you choose a reputable broker, register, download its terminal platform , choose the leverage, make a deposit, and just trade the currency pairs by anticipating if these will go up or down Buy or Sell The currency pair price changes will generate your profits. Does a broker pay you some quarterly dividends. No, you just have a balance on your account that constantly increases or drops based on your trading activity If you carried out profitable trades, you can then withdraw your money if you want For this, you just need to know the deposit withdrawal specific rules of the broker you choose. Now, returning to the first point - it is not a good idea for a trader to accept his amateur level You should know that only 5 of traders are making consistent profits It is not because Forex is so risky It is because people have a wrong attitude about the trading process They don t see it from a professional pers pective as a business Many traders perceive Forex as an activity that can give you easy money, which is not true You have to learn, to exercise, to analyze, to test many strategies, to develop some skills, and most important of all - to develop a professional attitude You should dare for more, but do it gradually There are tons of materials online about Forex, so you can start by learning the basic concepts. I hope this was helpful.13 2k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Wow, so much text below so far. I woud answer shortly. Yes, its definetely possible, but then forex will be the same is gabling or bets. So the primary factor that affects your resul will be luck If you put ALL IN and make 2 good traders, you can make good money out of this Will you stop I guess not, you will think that forex seems easy if you win You will play more, relying on more luck You can win 3rd and 4rth trade, everything will seem great But them you can make another all in and lose everying in 1 stupid trade Even if you lose a bit, you will think that its an accident and you need to get it back fast Guess you understand. The moral is if you need fast money, you need luck If you need sustainable profits - you need system. Senior Market Analyst in HYCM.335 Views Not for Reproduction. Jozef Rudy Founder at - quantitative strategies backtesting and ranking. Trading FOREX is really a bad idea. There are hardly any long-term trends in FOREX, as the currency expresses the strength of one economy to the other Thus, there would have to be a long-term uninterupted improvement of one country vs the other These trends rarely occur and if they occur, they are very mild Why not trade commodities, bonds or stocks but FOREX. I assume FOREX might seem more approachable for the novice trader because of low requirements for the account setup. However, inexistence of long-term trends forces clients to use heavy leverage and focus on short-term trading. FOREX brokers offer 100x leverage and thus you are lured into th e game by the idea of low own capital requirement However, many times in the past it has been proven as a wrong strategy The most recent event was a sudden appreciation of Swiss Franc due to the central bank decision of abandoning the peg Foreign-Exchange Brokers Are Going Bankrupt In The Swiss Franc s Surge As most FOREX traders use heavy leverage, sudden move of 30 wiped their accounts actually left their accounts in debit and thus brokers lost money. However it is much easier making money trading stocks There has been a long-term uptrend in stocks for centuries. Now, to my particular recommendation. Every succesful investor has a strategy he follows Even Warren Buffett does the same thing over and over. Your strategy should be you want to be long stock-market most of the time There will be periods when you will be losing money e g 2001, 2008 But sooner or later you will be making money How much Around 9 per year Page on This is the annual average return you would make had you invested i n S P 500 in 1928 However, there would be times when you would be losing a lot At year-end of 1932 your net worth would be 50,664 down from 100,000 with which you started Would you be able to resist the urge to withdraw the money and leave the money work This is one of the greatest issues with investing Most people withdraw money in the drawdowns and hop on at market tops. Thus, once you are clear that you want to be long stocks, you can improve on passively holding stock-market index. You can achieve this by the combination of 2 factors stock selection and market-timing. Stock-selection can be very complicated and based on some discussions you can get the idea, that it would take years to study The reality is, it is not so complicated Based on the research, e g Quantitative Value, A Practitioner s Guide to Automating Intelligent Investment and Eliminating Behavioral Errors it does not really matter what ratio you use to calculate cheap stock Do you use Price Earnings Ratio or Price Book Well, in the long-term, the difference is negligible What matters is consistency Academics call these ratios factors Value factor can be defined as either Price Earnings Ratio or Price Book ratio There are more factors that matter, e g recently low-volatility factor gains prominence Why not all low-volatility stocks are equal There are more factors that exist, thus a good way to invest is to choose 2-4 factors and systematically choose e g 5 stocks based on each factor You do not have to choose new stocks very frequently, once per year is enough. Market-timing works and this has been proven This is accepted in academia and has been tested on over 200 years of market data in various academic papers, e g. You cannot improve much on classical moving-average, 200-day moving average will suffice Thus, each of the stocks that you bought e g 20 altogether , has its own moving-average, which you could recalculate every month If any of them is below its moving-average, you get rid of the stock. Ho w does such strategy improve upon classical buy-and-hold It is hard to test since 1928 as fundamental data are not available, etc , but here is an example of comparison of such strategy with its benchmark index Quantpicker.22 7k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Who is an amateur. This is the big question An amateur is someone who is not an expert Lacks experience and still requires a lot of training Such an individual needs solid mentorship and training to become professional An amateur is likely to make a string of losses Trading demands you are nothing short of an expert or a professional Trading should be your first and last love. Can you make sustainable profit. Banks and other institution make significant profit on a daily basis from Vanilla Options trades in the FX market Retail traders across the globe book profits ranging from 100 to millions on a daily basis I personally have seen a trader book 90k in profits, that is Sterling not US in 6 months So to the mediocre, this is impossible To the amateur this is a dream or legend To the professional or expert, it is just another day in the office.6 3k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Why are there profitable traders in forex if it really is a zero-sum game. How can I make money through forex trading. Is it possible to earn profits on Forex trading with binary options signals. How do I get more profit from forex trading. What are the best strategies to make consistent profit at trading forex. Forex traders out there, what did you do when you first started out that made you trade profitably. As a forex trader can you give me some firsthand forex trading insight. Is it possible to make 50-100k per month in Forex trading. Why do Forex Traders need a trading plan. What is the best time of day to trade Forex for a novice trader. Where can I find a registered Forex trader to trade for me. Who are successful Forex traders. What is the average profit margin in forex trading. What is the best strategy a trader can use to bec ome profitable as a Forex trader. How much can forex traders make a day. What is a meaningful capital amount for a new retail trader to start trading on forex. Can a forex trader also trade in the stock market. Do retail forex online traders really make money trading. Can I really make money with Trading Forex. Which is the best site to open my first FOREX account. Why Us From the latest technology to protecting your funds, see why we re the best trading partner. Regulatory Authorisation Admiral Markets UK Ltd is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in UK. Contact Us Leave feedback, ask questions, drop by our office or simply call us. News Check out most recent news about our company, events, trading condtions that s not a secret The problem is that people can obsess over profits, which in turn can be their downfall. One of the main obstacles in learning how to be consistently profitable in Forex trading is chasing the money There is no doubt that Forex trading can be profitable but you h ave to be patient and realistic. A good place to start is to forget any unrealistic goals and targets The notion of making large amounts of money off a few swift trades is extremely unlikely. Trading too flippantly and over-confidently can be what causes you to lose your initial investment Intraday novice traders who follow short-term price action are exposed to this way of thinking The turnover in this group of traders is high and they lose their capital in a matter of a few months. You don t want to be part of this statistic. Basically, many veteran traders live with the sentiment of to make money you need to forget about making money. By setting the money goal high, a trader places himself under a lot of emotional pressure, which results in one of the biggest mistakes possible, i e overtrading. We ll return to this later. As an alternative to focusing on the money, try focusing on learning trading strategies and research what trading tools are available to you See which techniques seem to have sound logic and think how they can be used in a strategy. Additionally, you can study how markets behave and learn how the industry functions. You d be amazed at how much knowing this information can help you trade consistently And this is the biggest takeaway never stop learning The markets are constantly changing and if you want consistency, you need to be able to keep up and adapt to these changes. Overtrading is deceptively dangerous. Overtrading is another word for curve bending or market chasing and it s caused by a faulty mindset as described above Overtrading is a result of seeing opportunities on the market not because they are actually there but because a trader wants them to be there Traders may or may not realise this and that is where the deception comes into play. There are two kinds of overtrading trading too often and trading too much Both are known to be the very opposite of how to make consistent profits in Forex trading. First, let s deal with trading too often. In his speech titled How to stay out of deb t Warren Buffett said you need discipline when investing. You have to wait until you see the fat pitch to swing at, because investing is a no called strike game In baseball, you have to swing at pitches you don t necessarily like In business you don t have to swing at anything. You can just sit there and if you don t like the prices you don t have to swing day after day, after day, after day, and there are no called strikes You can simply wait for that one time in a month when you like the price, when you really know what you are doing, and then you swing. And you only need a couple of swings. If you overlay that same principle to Forex trading, it is still sound The bottom line is, the trader doesn t need to make a lot of trades, just making the right ones is enough By the time you come to trading a live account, you should have a strategy with preset specific conditions for entering trades. Simply follow your own strategy and don t trade when you shouldn t. The other part of overtrading is trading too much A lot of people say that frivolous leve raging is to blame Well, is it. Forex brokers offer significant leverage on their trading accounts. In theory, this was originally to give traders the chance to make reasonable profits from small investments, thus enabling more people to see value in trading and use it as a service that brokers provide. In practice, however, taking high leverage is still common for beginner traders who are tempted by maximising their potential profits, but instead maximise their actual loss. Yet the devil is in the detail. High leverage is not intrinsically a bad thing It does allow trade in larger trading volumes, which results in a trader having less free margin to play with in case of a drawdown Higher volumes mean more pip value the engine of profit and loss. However, it is the trader s choice to trade an unreasonably high volume that makes an account more susceptible to margin calls As for the leverage itself if anything, it s there to help a trader who already understands how leverage works and respect s it. The lesson here is to avoid overtrading. Nobody wins all the time. How does a Forex trader keep on winning consistently Truth be told, it has nothing to do with winning all the time, in every trade. One could argue against using the word win altogether, as it might mislead you into believing that luck is a factor in Forex and CFD trading, or that trading bears any resemblance to gambling whatsoever. Gambling has no place in sustainable, successful Forex trading Closing every trade in profit is simply a trading urban myth. If we are talking about how to be consistently profitable in Forex in the long term, some professional intraday traders may be consistently profitable on a daily basis but not even they can show a trading report that that doesn t include a single losing trade. If you are a sore loser, you may struggle with Forex Successful traders with decades of experience confess to less than 40 of all their trades being profitable Some go as low as 20.The trick is that those that ar e profitable yield enough to cover the losses and make profit Keep in mind that this is common for long-term, trend-following traders It takes a lot of mental fortitude to admit miscalculations in your decision making if your strategy allows it and to close a losing trade early with a small loss. Conversely, it takes about as much fortitude to trust yourself and not close a winning trade too early You need to be patient and ride the trend until it s done. A lot has been said about trading discipline, but very little about organisation Order leads to consistency and consistency is what this article is about Everything starts with your trading routine. You need a strict plan that will cover most of your trading activity and will help you reduce the random factor to an absolute minimum. A lot of beginner traders develop negative trading habits For example, they overtrade once, get lucky, carry on and end up wiping out their account. Can bad habits be profitable Yes. But can they be consistently profitable No, they can t. Once such a trader has won once, they have reinforced a negative trading habit that proves nearly impossible to break How can that person now trade carefully, knowing just how much could have been made with luck. Traders think they are lucky until they aren t Reinforcing proper trading habits helps you answer how to be consistently profitable in Forex trading. In conclusion, below is a cheat sheet for your steadily increasing equity curve. Let go of expectations. Pick a trading strategy you like. Make sure it has strict conditions for entering and exiting trades. Backtest it until you trust it. Stick to it, remembering that it did prove profitable in your tests. Do not overtrade under any condition. Record everything to analyse your trades. Gauge your long-term progress rather than short-term success or failure. Repeat this exercise and you may inevitably end up in a relatively small group of financial traders that made it Remember, it matters what happens on average an d in the long run. One last thing do not slouch when trading Research shows that people who slouch are less advanced at solving logical problems than those who sit straight. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Risk warning Trading foreign exchange or contracts for differences on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors There is a possibility that you may sustain a loss equal to or greater than your entire investment Therefore, you should not invest or risk money that you cannot afford to lose You should ensure you understand all of the risks Before using Admiral Markets UK Ltd services please acknowledge the risks associated with trading. The content of this Website must not be construed as personal advice Admiral Markets UK Ltd recommends you seek advice from an independent financial advisor. Admiral Markets UK Ltd is fully owned by Admiral Markets Group AS Admiral Markets Group AS is a holding company and its assets are a controlling equity interest in Admiral Markets AS and its subsidiaries, Admiral Markets UK Ltd and Admiral Markets Pty. All references on this site to Admiral Markets refer to Admiral Markets UK Ltd and subsidiaries of Admiral Markets Group AS. Admiral Markets UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FCA Register No 595450.Admiral Markets UK Ltd is registered in England and Wales under Companies House Registered Number 08171762 Company address 16 St Clare Street, London EC3N 1LQ, UK. PROFITABLE FOREX ROBOT. PROFITABLE FOREX ROBOT is a piece of automated Forex trading software or Forex Robot that automates trading decisions The most popular robot for retail traders are built around the Meta-trader platform This robot run on meta-trader as Expert Advisor or EA and it can do anything from giving you a signal to place a trade, to placing and managing the trade for you automatically. Trading Aggressive. PROFITABLE FOREX EXPERT ADVISOR is for you, it s simply win for e veryone even if you are a beginner in Forex If we can win why you cannot can be as simple as you want it to be So don t waste your time. Get Started Now. Just Plug the EA on your chart, and start Only this and no more guessing because you just sit and let the EA make profits for you. Works on all FX Pairs. It works well on all FX Pairs including the major pairs and some exotics as well You will be able to follow these trades automatically So what are you waiting for. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAKING PROFITS. PROFITABLE FX EA is a bit more than a forex trading system, it is a Premium trading system that focuses on Trading Forex That s why it s expensive. The results or performance of PROFITABLE FX EA is insane We have realized more than 1,000 profit in just a week. PROFITABLE FX EA features are specializing in taking profits on small price changes, it is fully optimized for any currency pair and account types. PROFITABLE FX EA is the most profitable and trusted FX robot for MT4 on the market, Join t he community of traders winners now by purchasing it It is able to trade with any time frame and any currencies pairs as well as stocks, metals etc This EA will work with most brokers that supports MT4 trading platform. Why you should use PROFITABLE FX EA. It s a new exclusive EA that includes fully automated system for any currency pair This EA is specifically designed for all time frames It is great for Forex beginners because it can work with small accounts and lot sizes starting as low as 10 You can start trading with micro lots such as 0 01 and grow up your account. You can customize this PROFITABLE FOREX EXPERT ADVISOR to your needs You can change settings such as Trend sensitivity the more you enter the less EA will be sensitive to moment movements , trading time, reverse the system and much more You don t need to track the market all the time and wait for the important levels to come anymore, let the PROFITABLE FOREX EXPERT ADVISOR do it for You. This PROFITABLE FOREX EXPERT ADVISO R can trade fully automated, you just need to set it up, put it on your favorite currency pair, choose the time frame you like, sit back and watch how it does its job It is a great start for beginners to jump into auto trading If you don t know how to set up this EA don t worry there is one file included and users manual guide so you have everything you need to get started. GET THE BEST FOREX EA THAT IS PROVEN TO BE PROFITABLE IN EVERY MARKET CONDITION. CHECK THE EA RESULTS PERFORMANCES HERE. DON T WAIT UNTIL YOU LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY. PROFITABLE FX EA MENU. 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